Agreed. Enlightening -- and fascinating back stories. And yes - the irony is not lost regarding the map at ISAC (nee the Oriental Institute) that appears in the photo of General Groves and Enrico Fermi. Thank you for all this research.

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Very enlightening! These insights and anecdotes enhance the chapter for me. Thank you!

Personal note: My folks bought our apt on Blackstone & 58th from the widow of Fermi team member Sam Allison. 1967/68.

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Thank you for sharing your research. Just saw the film tonight so this is spot-on!

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Apples and oranges. I don't know whether your source is accurate, but it answers the wrong question. Fermi is listed as "associate director." The actual list of directors (head of the Lab) is here: https://about.lanl.gov/history-innovation/#null. I agree about Wikipedia, but it's usually reliable on straight facts, like this.

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According to the U.S. Department of Energy history of the Manhattan Project "Oppenheimer made Fermi, an on and off visitor at Los Alamos, an associate director in July 1944 overseeing the research and theoretical divisions and all nuclear physics problems." Wikipedia is useful but crowd sourced. https://www.osti.gov/opennet/manhattan-project-history/People/Scientists/enrico-fermi.html#:~:text=Oppenheimer%2C%20director%20at%20the%20lab%2C%20made%20Fermi%2C%20an,and%20theoretical%20divisions%20and%20all%20nuclear%20physics%20problems. Wiki

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Wow how interesting…. Bring stories to life…

What went on in HPK.

Great enjoyed!

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